

水曜日 2024.05.29 21:35 · 75mins

Hello. How are you? Fine, thank you. How are you? I'm pretty good. I'm happy these days because we're working. On a new project. With the children. Every year with our gap with our children, we make a garbage garden of some kind of garment.


So last year we grew. Mini sunflowers. Like. But they were supposed to be mini, but they became very. Tall, like 180 cm. That was troublesome. This year. I was thinking what to do, so. We're making a vertical garden.


That would be virtual. This is vertical. Vertical. But for both. So it's basically on the wall. The garden is hanging on the fence. Yes. And growing food. They're growing lettuce. Well, I wonder. Some people grow a vertical garden inside their house.


With, like, Leafy things like Chida. Ferns and I be eating advice, but I think. Food. They eat it, it's fixed. And I can take it down. All right. It's very practical, I think. What's new today? Two dishes are the store.


I have and planets are not so good and. Good. News first or bad news first? Bad news is. We'll start with the not so good news, okay? Not so good. Okay. I'm interested. Yeah, I had a trouble with. My parents.


Mother. Parents. Your parents. My patients must. Oh, you're patient. A monster parent. Maybe, but there is a virus. Why I have to make with her. We talk, though, but painted. Their parents. It's interesting.


Because. They care. Understand each other. Parents helps us understand each other. Yes. There is one patient. Freezer God in high school students. She's not so much. Sick. But. Quiet, but. Hamada is.


Very much. That's why her daughter is. Not so bad. But. Where? She. Lives. Carrying. Carrying for. Those. Because. He's not going to ask. Which is major when you have. Because you have braces on her cheese. Okay.


My patient don't like so many communication with us. With dental Rajasthan. But many times. Alert up. For brain to. Teach my daughter how. To. Ratch. We make this very. Advice to her. And they can. But.


The patients don't. Do blessing so much. Her daughter still doesn't do it. I know why. Her daughter is not doing it because she knows it bothers her mother. I get that. Imagine. But. My. Face. Is to.


Brush. And. Boat. The mother's complaint. Yeah. And listening to another. Complaint. Did you teach? Did you try teaching the mother how to brush and then mother can teach the child. This. Patient comes.


Towards the mother. How are you breathing? Your. Steps. Because parents and the children. Ended up writing it. So if the mother. May, in blood, were isolated. Maybe right. She may be accepted, but. I took the conversation because.


This giant rapid. Patient. After that. Said the machine. Hong kong. Maybe. The mother may. Make. The coin too much. But. That. Towards my daughter too much and I can too much. She kept asking for more than she now said. Too much. Yeah.


The mother was very angry to me. And. I can do it about it and. I. Could work. After my treatment time. And. Put that with her. She was. Very. Oppressive. Yeah. When the patient. Or their parents. Left.


Yes. But the thing is. When I was in school, I had braces on my teeth. And. I was not yet cute gum sometimes and did all bad things, but brushing was easy. Yeah. Just take care of all slowly around every size. It was not difficult. Yeah, that's right. I think so.


And think things better. Yeah. But. During the oceanic street and skills. Is. A good time. For. Brass better. For developing good brushing habits. That's right. We. Sold it. My patient for such grade but the mother don't hear me.


I think it's also. My thinking. I would chew gum and eat candy and then brush my teeth really, really well, somewhat orthodontist couldn't tell. Right. I'm hiding it, like all the bad things that I ate. I was hiding it from the orthodontist and from my mom.


So I was extra careful, yeah. But I think another technique for high school girls. If your braces are dirty. It looks bad. So brushing really well. It's just nicer. And it looks nicer. Does she do her hair nicely? If she cares what she looks like.


This is part of it, right? Yeah. But. That tastes to be beautiful. Nice guy. To look nice, right? I mean, that's why people fix their teeth sometimes, right? To look. Nice. So take care of them. User people.


I thought, but. Then. We had chorus. It became an argument. I thought to you I'm really. And the mother is more umbrella. And. So that is me. Calling. At the colleague. Psychopath. Then I. Notice nothing.


There are in the court. Are you japanese? She answered. I came Japan 27 years ago. From here. Then I told her, I understand. It's just. Because. There are kind of people don't. Give us their opinion.


I wonder if it dog. It might also be if she came from China 27 years ago. My guess is she's had some difficulty in Japan because she's Chinese. And some stress, and now she is dumping all the stress.


But also. Chinese parents. Chinese mothers are famous for being tiger mom. Tiger mom? Yeah. Tiger mom is, like, so. Much pressure on their child. To be successful, to be perfect. To do. Well, that's cool. And so pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure. That might be the difficulty.


So I thought that I met him. Those are my. Patients. It's not good being half per day. I support. She have? No. Friend. And here I'm Catabas. He has very heart. I. Talk in the orment. Of the mother. I.


Told the mother. She's 70 years old. I sort of. Treated her and alert. But. She is much higher chance. How are you talking? To a tiger mom. I would say, like she's old enough to understand. But I don't have to understand.


China. Almost said harassment in Japan. They behead? But they want to do. In the sink content. Restaurant. Many japanese animals from 20 years ago. Many. Chinese people. Coming to Miyata and. They used.


Restraint. And. Bring many baggage. Habit. Yeah. I think something interesting is that often when people travel, They bring their own culture with them, right? Cousin I. A long time ago we lived in. Do you remember our old, old office, like two. Offices ago.


On, higasti. Woody. Before that. A long time ago. Did you know? Maybe not yet. Maybe. Only maybe. Some or two times, if I may go wet. I mean, we went. When we had our office in that building. We lived on the same floor, an apartment down the hallway, and so our apartment was here, and. Then two other apartments and then our office.


In these other apartments, chinese students were. And they had this bad habit. Of putting their garbage outside the door. And just leaving it there until there were, like, little slide babies. And it was really gross.


But when I lived in Vancouver, I actually lived in Chinatown. And a lot of my neighbors didn't speak English very well, but we could communicate. And I understood. That. Just. Stay directly. And explain, and usually. Okay, so Kaza went next door and he said,


Hi. Excuse me. We can't do this. In Japan, the rule is that you have to keep your garbage. Here until cracker standing put it outside on the curb. And do you understand? They said, oh, yeah. Okay. Never did. They can.


They just didn't know. It was that simple. And then after, Kaza said, hey, can you not put your garbage here? And please wait until garbage day. This is the schedule. After that. Oh, good morning. They were so nice.


But it was that communication that they didn't understand. They didn't get it, and the landlord was afraid to explain. That was difficult point, but. With your patient's mother. She has been here for 27 years.


Yeah, she said no. You have an eight culture. Her name is Japanese. We didn't know. People didn't know. She ate chuckies. It's her husband's Japanese. Poor, dear friend. She was hurting very well. She is from just a china.


But her daughter has a japanese thing. Yes, that's right. Maybe her daughter is hot. His father is japanese town. 27 years ago. And. Young japanese women and women have. Difficulty with marriage. Every day and a man.


To help us desire. Everyone should get married. Yes. But. I thought, it's not scara. There are many men. There were many men. Who can't, who couldn't marry. And. Many. Women. Came to Japan and married such a man.


Of the era. So from other parts of Asia office. China. China. Or. Maybe. 15. But. The land in the era. Wanted. She came to Japan in that situation. That's right. I know it. Families, the atmosphere. And the father.


Saved somebody. Annoying. Yeah. Or maybe it's just very quiet. I think. It's a couple. In japan. With forest for. You guys. Yeah. I think that also. For the wife from another country. I think it's probably more difficult for Chinese than it is for me, because.


I'm clearly not japanese, right? But for a chinese mom, and her English is so. Her Japanese is so good. That people. Maybe she's Japanese and then you're Chinese. Maybe they change their attitude. Especially with the stress between Japan and China always right.


But. If I. Sought kids japanese. I was so stressful, but. I found. She. Worked. I was trained because I. Behave. She is. Beheaded. And very good. Change the attitude. Well, I think the best thing is to just be direct and clear.


How can you? Maybe. Every country. In your country. Have. The point. That can change. And. Challenge people may. Have. Very strong minds about. To protect. Her daughter. Do they have only one child. Some Chinese.


Because my father. Chinese. Them here. Maybe. Three. Government. Or some in the second world era. In bed China. Maybe. Father. May. Sing. Japanese Chinese is very. Good friendship with China. But today.


But also during the 70s, right? During the 70s with Prime Minister of Tanaka. He was trying to encourage everyone. Let's be friends. Yeah, that's right. Now. Yeah. There's so much tension all over the world between.


Different cultures. And now China and Russia are making a scary alliance, right? Yeah. And I think that some of that political trouble sort of comes into our social life a little. Bit. With that stress, that worry.


Political progress. Very much. It's hard to make a line between politics and society. Or even. Society and family. Because. I think that your patient and the mother. The mother has stress about her daughter.


And instead of talking about it with her daughter, she's sort of pushing it on to everybody else. I imagine she's not just complaining to you. Maybe her daughter's teachers at school. Maybe the tuku teacher. Probably she's attacking. Everybody.


It might be so bad. My face, at least. Very weak minded. After a treatment. Treatment? Saying goodbye to. How sorry is she through her treatment now? After the toy dress. With me. Within one year. One year or so. Another year.


We understand everything. And the patient. Developer is very stressful. I think the daughter is stressed out because she grew up in Japan. And her mom is from a different culture because I know my kids.


Have to deal with my canadian thinking, but. They're very japanese at the same time, so they have both sides, and I say this. Should be this way. And they're like, mom, you don't understand. This is japanese.


You're right. For a child. Who's sort of in between cultures. They end up. Maybe the daughter seems weak and passive, but maybe she's controlling something right now by not brushing enough. She's saying no.


I'm not going to do it. And that's her power. That's how she has power. Over her mom, over another adult. How do you do that? How do you do that? He's lucky because we are the Christmas. They might not say that.


On a great day. Yes. I made muffins for them last night, so they had muffins. For breakfast. So now they're going to say, nice, mom, but maybe when I say, do your own work. Everything. Is so good. Well, hello, my kids.


I don't know. One thing that I try not to do. Is argue with my children about something outside the family. So even if it's school work, or something. They don't like school. They don't want to do their homework, but. I don't want to fight them about school.


That's my team. That's. Different. I can find some about cleaning a room and looking after themselves, like that's okay, but. School. Ultimately, that's their responsibility. But my mother is. Maybe being mother is a.


Student is. Maybe that's her main focus in her whole life. Andy. You are daughter because. They have. Many choices. Especially, for example. Someone hesitating. They don't mind traveling. Yeah, they don't mind that at all.


If we. Go abroad. Because. Generally, though, japanese tourists and people traveling from Japan, most people are quite welcoming. Oh, come on. Come on because people still think that japanese tourists have money.


They figured about the bubble era, right? Is that all? I think they're still that idea. But now that the Japanese yen is. Very weak. It's a very different situation. More people. May think so, but. This era.


Last month. As a country. Is. A printing. That's not a. Comparing. People who are still coming right now, there are a lot of international students and workers coming from Bangladesh and Nepal. So countries.


Whose money is working and landing. Salaries are even lower. But Japan will recover. Yeah, in Japan. Japan? The yen is going to go up. 2025. Can you let. Us. I think it will. But I think the other thing that we have to always think about.


Is. The yen is only weak against the american dollar. And so right now, between canada and japan, Is only $0.10. So close. Cool. So. Usually Canada and Japan are almost the same. For 20 years of almost the same. But now Japan. Is only a little down.


Compared to Canada, and Canada in the United States is a big gap now, too. So it's, not just Japan and America. It's everybody in America. That's why we don't have to worry too much. Just trade with other countries.


That's one of the biggest country is different. This may be the. Big problem, many people say. Of Japan is very low. Decreasing, decreasing. On the other hand. United states. Have. Nice. Right. That's a very good point.


I. Think. What is the buffalo people? Go. But. Answer is. There already. The day going up. Is. When they help you. The nail that sticks out. Yeah. Gets hammered down. Yeah. I've seen this. And something interesting.


He's so interesting, isn't right. I like him. He thinks differently, he does things differently. But then they tried to trap him for illegal training. And I think this is, I think, I don't think he did anything wrong. I think.


They. Wanted to. Punish him for being different. Yeah. He's a big name. And he's still a nail. Yeah, even after they punished him, but. What he think about? Carlos scorn. Was he a nail? Yes, that's right. Yeah. Do you think?


He was a bad guy. Or do you think it was all of Misa? That's a tough era. He was president of Nissan Company. Maybe. He gave many money. The vice president. Is my best friend. I develop. Developed. A white friend.


A much president. And. Carlos rome. Then the vice president. Was. Access. Accessing. He. Cooked. Hello, van. Corresponds to spreading bad rumors. Yeah. Chicken move that's so weak to do it by. President. Push it up, pushes down.


Reason. Back to back. The past president. Did. The same. I think. Yeah. I kept feeling that thing. Everybody. Not just two of them. I think all more. Of them were doing the same bad thing. Yes. And then.


They wanted to, because I see this happen in Japan a lot. They kept the top and then. They continue. Come on. Didn't. Have been arrested. Yeah. But. Many people aviated the car tour boa. Battery. Become jealousy.


For. Some. Ride. To punish. I feel like it's not very honorable. And I also feel like if you're doing it too, don't say anything. This is. What it. Comes with gold. And. Speaking. Matthew. Seven. Just don't withdraw attention.


But I think that, unfortunately, For carlos gorn. He's not Japanese. Yes, sir. And that made him an easy target. That's it? Maybe. And his japanese language ability and everything, and his sense of japanese culture. Made him too easy at target.


And his international success in France and in working rental. Right. Those Renault renewal and then nissan. He was too easy. To point the finger at. I'm glad he said something. I'm glad he kept saying.


No. It's not just me. I'm not the bad guy here. Yeah. Magnus kings are hiding. Remember the Toshiba scandal? Toshiba scandal? There was a few years ago Toshiba. Declared. What did Tashi go do? There were some illegal trading and no.


They were hiding their income. And then I don't know if someone would sacrifice someone at top with cups or not. What did they do, Toshiba? That was a few years ago. Let's check a scandal. I thought.


The thought of. Just decreasing. The income. This big Trump. Yeah. Profit manipulation. Yeah. So hiding income. Yeah. Profit manipulation exceeding ¥150,000,000,000 was carried out over a long period.


Yeah. Or they were hiding money or. They were. Either hiding money or they were saying, we're making money, and they work. It was too opposite. I'm not sure which one they did. The downfall of Shiva.


That's got county 2015 accounting scandal and then over seven years. Yeah, they overstayed this profit, so they lied about how much money they were making and. They were $1 billion over. So actually, their profit was $1 billion less.


Than their real profit. But then what they said, so bad, right? To keep their stock value high. Four circumstance. It's a target, King. Was one of the most. Biggest companies. But now that he goes, the big producer of nuclear energy facilities, right?


They made. Built in United States. Some. Double trade or front? Yeah. And then. Prime Minister Abe was promoting Toshiga abroad. He was saying, Right. Nuclear front. Japanese. Stress. Maybe that's right.


I thought it was interesting when Prime Minister Abe was promoting japanese nuclear energy in Toshiba. Right after. The Fukushima death and then. What are you doing? Too soon. Don't say anything. Not yet.


Because it was really salient after within a couple of years, and it was so fresh in people's minds. So I thought. That's a little risky. Nuclear energy is. More, of course, but. The more and more better thing in the burrito mind of bureaucrats.


And bureaucrats. I'm scared of. The business relationships with the government. Maybe. From Allstand Japan. Many money gathered in. Nuclear energy. Yeah. Maybe japanese cancer or Japan. Yeah, well, it's interesting that it became such.


The government put all of their eggs in one basket. Put all your a's toggle in one basket. Right? All of them. I feel a little bit. Like that when the japanese government invested so much in nuclear facilities.


That's right. In an unstable. Geographically unstable country. That's right. But that's what's so scary in Canada. Yes, we have some major. Giant nuclear facilities, but they're in areas where there's no ocean.


And there are no earthquakes, there are no fault lines. So. It's. A totally different story. And. They don't land. And no tsunami, right? So that's. A huge difference. That I had you for running. The bed very.


Interesting. If we. Don't use the air cream. We can't. Live. Well. What's something really interesting? There are a lot of. You have to check online, but there are japanese companies who are really researching hydrogen.


And clean hydrogen production. Project is good for this, but. It is basically. Cost very much. Still now. It's expensive, and we can't produce hydrogen without oil. But. Every few years, there's a new breakthrough in how to produce hydrogen.


And there was the most recent one was water electrolysis to create hydrogen. A lot of investors are looking at hydrogen now. But. Hydrogen can use oil pipelines. Yeah, well, that's what I was researching. It was like, this is one of the promising things. So in North America and Europe, there are pipelines.


And if they can be used for hydrogen. Then that makes it a viable alternative. Then. We change it to the hydrogen? Probably not directly clean it. What type will it be used? Right? Yeah, because. For example, in Canada.


The pipelines. Are. People over a lot of protests and a lot of, like, you're destroying nature. This is native land. We can't build here. There is a lot of fighting to build. These pipelines. And then when we stop using oil, those pipelines are for nothing.


Right. And so if they can still use them. That would be a good thing. Practical. How to wash the pipeline. They can figure that out. That's for the scientists. It's the dream. Yeah, but it's a dream. But, for example, we change to electric cars and we use nuclear energy to create electricity for our cars.


What about the airplanes and the trains and the big things? But that's not very efficient. So we have to think about. The whole infrastructure. Is the different technique. Of. Maybe. This is. Two or three years ago.


The massive nuclear energy. Or at point is coming from. Research. I know I haven't. Bought. The name. So instead of breaking atoms, What do they have? Fusion. Fusion. Fusion. Yeah. That would be interesting.


No, it is. I wonder. Nuclear waste. Is the problem, right? The biggest problem, not just danger. But nuclear waste. What do we do with it? Is there any way to recycle reuse. And France can reuse it a little bit, right?


Well. They. Spent uranium. They're recycling. Once Japan struggled to interpret the energy. A person knew and. They. Plant. There is a institute in our agriculture. That was. Named multi project Mongoo is.


An accent. Some people died in the accident. Or any explosion. Or from radiation poisoning. They treated. Nuclear. In your pocket. Of radioactive material over there for my day. So casual. Yeah, so. There is a comment.


I saw a blue right. Blue right. They can actually see radiation. So scary. Yeah. Japanese. They became more and more relaxed about their work. And that's the problem with the radiation. At first you don't feel anything.


The nuclear energy that most of the difficult. Program is the change of mind to create. Energy. This is a scary thing. Soft. Softly. How do we say that? Gradually. The workers became more and more. Relaxed.


About. Not relaxed. Casual. About how they dealt with. Nuclear material. That's horrible. But. That's also humans. When we are always doing something the same way every time, and even though it's dangerous, but we've never had an accident.


So we forget. Yes. Continue. And that's when a small. Thing happens. You work with this machine every day, but one day your sleep gets caught and it gets sucked. Into your machine. Or something dangerous.


We become too comfortable around the danger. And then the accident happens. Dangerous program is to be used. Very much. I didn't say. Well, good thing. This is. A big library. New big library. And. Caused by a big man.


Because he went, wow, coming from Canada. What? Who? 's teaching every Wednesday. In Sandy's. So there's an english class. Oh, wow. In San Joe's new public library. Yeah. Taught by a Canadian named David Sediment.


Is a very interesting. He was working in Canada as a royal. Interesting. Yeah. By David Siemen, a former lawyer. Why would he quit being a lawyer in Canada? To teach English in Japan. It's a little bit different income level.


Why he come to San Diego? Or maybe he has a wife or something. Yeah, I didn't hear there because. I didn't. Talk with him so much. Next time you should ask him. Are you going to his class? Wednesday. I went past.


Was it, pilot? Very fun. Well. I don't know him. So this is. His. Former Twitter. Signed up. Faith as an adversary. He's on Joe Cir. Okay, but I can probably find him on Facebook. Let me. Check. Two quick Facebook check.


Yeah, I speak ph, I see that. I forgot. If you become a great. Hear from him. He's not on. T h I e d. O e m a n n. Is not here, okay? I'm going to check. Because that family name is rare. Fool. I've never heard it before.


To take it like that. No. Oh. Maybe him. Maybe him. Oh, yeah. They've been seasoned in Japan exchange. Yeah, that's him, I think. Very big. He's young. How old is he? This. He used to be part of a law firm with something about legal solutions.


Lawyer. An associate in a law firm. Is that who he is? Let me see if that's canadian diversity and it looks canadian. Calgary. Calgary. Is he from calgary? Calgary. Calgary. Is alberta in canada. West. West.


I think that's him. Because they can. Calgary. Yeah, Calgary. Well, it's a million. Not that big, but big for canadian city. Let's just look at it. I'm a kid again. And. Something about Canada. Where are you from in Canada?


Why didn't you go to Japan? And then come and tell me. I love you. About why other people came. That's interesting. That's okay. I can remember. Damon. Steve, enough. And then. He's in. I wonder also why Sanjo.


I bet his girlfriend. Or wife. Maybe. She likes to speak. Concert. He might just be very interested in Japanese. Wow. Maybe right? She's very horrifying. Oh, that's interesting. That's interesting. Maybe he has been in Japan before and then. Came back.


He helped. Many. Friends of India. In from India. India? Yeah. Well, yeah, that's just Canada. But there's people from India, in Canada. There are so many immigrant families from India in Canada, all.


Allah. Yeah. So parts of a lot of canadian cities have a little India in a. I understand. They need a lot of first generation. Indian Indocadians. So their Igos is like mine. They're born in Canada, but their parents are from. India.


I hear from many people in the theater about. Indoor. History. In the carter of Sado in the future. Thank you. Culture. Nice to see you today. I'm going to open our candle. Come in. He's attending a new English class, sometimes in San Jose, a public library.


Is a Canadian. Guy. Oh, my God. I don't know Kim, and I've never heard the name before. Interesting. I'll be right. Yeah, that's a nice name. This is a text over the. Program. So improve the activity.


That's when I stand. Coffee break. It's true. North Americans take coffee breaks every 3 hours. Here is a 15. Minutes. Coffee break. Yeah.